

Gravity in One-dimensional Space

This article considers gravity when space is one-dimensional. I believe that by expanding this to what happens when it becomes two-dimensional, and then three-dimensional, I will be able to arrive at the true essence of gravity.

Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations

This article will provide an overview of the Euler method and the Runge-Kutta method as numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations with initial conditions. For equations that cannot be solved analytically, we will use numerical methods to explain them.

Elliptical Motion in the Theory of Relativity

This article derives an equation of motion equivalent to the Schwarzschild solution from the theory of analytical mechanics in a conical coordinate system.

Probability Distribution on the Sphere

This article consider a probability distribution that is uniformly distributed on a sphere. In the case of a two-dimensional sphere, the probability distribution of each coordinate has a uniform distribution, and has some interesting properties.

Two-body Problem

This article consider how the equations of motion for elliptical motion in classical mechanics, known as the two-body problem, can be formulated by rewriting the equations as if two masses were moving independently.