

Texas Hold’em and Game Theory

This article outlines how to predict the opponent's hand (hand range) in Texas Hold'em and how to apply game theory. By adding these elements as player functions in the game, it may be possible to create a stronger NPC player.

Texas Hold’em Game

A Texas Hold'em game developed by the author. You can specify the strength and character of the opponent player, or make them random.

Texas Hold’em and Expected Utility Theory

In order to design the behavior of NPCs in Texas Hold'em, we consider how to make decisions using expected utility theory. At the same time, we consider what factors represent the strength and weakness of players.

Texas Hold’em Game (Prototype)

I developed a Texas Hold'em game. The opponents are selected randomly, but in the future I plan to develop a version that uses an algorithm to make rational decisions.

Texas Hold’em Winning Probability Calculator

A calculator that uses Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the probability of winning in Texas Hold'em when the hand and some common cards are known.

Texas Hold’em Game Design

This article will look at the issues that must be taken into consideration when developing a Texas Hold'em game.

Monte Carlo Simulation

This article provides an overview of Monte Carlo simulation. As an application example, it considers how to estimate the probability of winning in Texas Hold'em using Monte Carlo simulation.