

Kepler Equation

The orbits of planets and other objects moving around stars are elliptical, but the angular velocity is not constant. We consider a method of finding a solution to an algebraic equation called the Kepler equation by using Bessel functions.

Elliptical Motion in Classical Mechanics

This article consider elliptical motion in three-dimensional space. Typically, it would be the motion of a planet orbiting a large star such as the Sun.

Uniform Circular Motion in the Theory of Relativity

This article explain the theory of uniform circular motion in classical mechanics and extend it to the case of the theory of relativity.

Free Fall in the Theory of Relativity

The falling motion caused only by gravity, ignoring the effects of air resistance and friction, is called free fall. Find the equation of motion for free fall in the theory of relativity.

Complex Functions and Schrödinger Equation

A short story about the title of the author's book "Complex Functions and the Schrödinger Equation".

Harmonic Oscillator and Schrödinger Equation

This article explains what kind of probability distribution the Schrödinger equation for the harmonic oscillator expresses, and presents an interpretation of the solution.

Schrödinger Equation in the Free State

Let us solve the Schrödinger equation to find how the probability distribution of the coordinates at which the electron is detected changes in the free state.